The most successful apprenticeship is one where an employer employs the apprentice from day one and has an interest and a stake in their career and progress.

At TTS we realise that when employers decide to make a commitment to employ an apprentice, they need to know that the person they are employing is interested in the career, is motivated to learn and is capable of succeeding.

This is why TTS has developed its unique 3-step apprenticeship programme.

This service ensures that all candidates being considered for employment have passed pre-entry aptitude tests in numeracy, literacy, and mechanical and cognitive reasoning, and have been given advanced awareness of all of the necessary skills and attitudes that employers require.  Newly employed apprentices will also be trained at TTS in how to identify and use some of the basic tools of the trade and how to safely use the most common types of workshop equipment.

Find Out What Our Apprenticeship
Employer Partners Think of TTS as an
Apprenticeship Training Provider:

The TTS Apprentice Programme

1. Recruitment & Assessment
TTS carries out extensive promotion of apprenticeships to find candidates, conducts applicant assessments using a range of bespoke diagnostic tests and suitable prospects are then matched to ‘live’ employer vacancies.

2. Employer Selection
Employers have the opportunity to carry out further assessment, work trials and interviews before selection. Successful candidates are then enrolled on the Apprenticeships NI Programme, registered with the qualifications awarding body and equipped with key basic workplace skills by TTS.

3. Training Programme
Apprentices are on the payroll of the Employer for the duration of the three-year Apprenticeship and post-qualification. Attendance at TTS is approximately one week every two months for training, supported by strong, ongoing pastoral care to ensure your apprentices are progressing well and integrating into their workplace.

Why a TTS Apprentice?

  • Pre-assessed motivated and “job ready” applicants provided.
  • IMI accredited training provider offering nationally recognised qualifications, delivered by expert trainers.
  • Purpose built, professional training environment, modern vehicles and specialist equipment

  • Dictated Careers Officer responsible for Apprentices from recruitment to qualification.
  • Modern teaching methods with classroom, e-learning and minimum 50% workshop practical.
  • Brand specific training modules can be offered.


Light Vehicle Technician Apprenticeship

Motor Apprenticeships


Transport Apprenticeships


Logistics Apprenticeships



Apprentice Brokerage Service


Download our Apprenticeship Guide for Employers


Women In Wheels NI

TTS is committed to improving the diversity of talent across the transport, logistics and automotive sectors in Northern Ireland.

Click here to find out about our Women In Wheels campaign!

Frequent Questions

According to the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) an apprenticeship is “a work-based training programme that provides the learner with practical skills through on-the-job training combined with theoretical knowledge through off-the-job learning”.

A TTS apprenticeship is a three-year employment opportunity which provides paid work experience and nationally recognised qualifications.

Transport Training Services is a social enterprise focusing on apprenticeships and career development training specifically for the retail motor trade and transport industry in Northern Ireland. Backed by over 50 years’ experience as a leading, recognised transport training service provider, our advice is sought after and trusted around the UK and Ireland. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the registered charity, Transport Training Board for Northern Ireland, TTS has a genuine, longstanding interest in promoting apprenticeships to young people in Northern Ireland to secure the future workforce of these sectors. We aim to support local employers to fill skills shortages that currently exist within the labour market.

You must understand from the outset that, by accepting an apprentice, you are making at least a three-year commitment to employ him/her. There is also an expectation that you will retain the apprentice post-qualification. In our experience, it is rare for an employer to let an apprentice go after the three years, because when an apprentice becomes fully qualified this is when he/she become most valuable to an employer.

It is no secret that the transport and motor industries are both facing skills shortages within their workforces.  According to a skills shortage report published by the Freight Transport Association (FTA) in November 2018, over half of all large good vehicle drivers in the UK are age 45+ (56%) and the report estimates that there is a shortfall of large good vehicle drivers of 51,000.

The 2019 FTA Logistics Report (which can be downloaded here for free) also shows that more than half (52.7%) of vacancies for vehicle mechanics, technicians and fitters in the UK will not be filled in the near future.

These statistics make for very worrying reading.  At TTS we believe the main solution to these labour market challenges is to bring new blood into the motor and transport sectors via apprenticeships.  Industry needs to take responsibility for securing its future workforce by training its own people. This should be the main driving factor in recruiting apprentices to your business!

TTS’s apprentice employers are split between most of the main car and truck dealerships and independent companies across Northern Ireland.  These employers have recognised the importance of bringing new talent into the motor and transport industries via apprenticeships to support business growth or simply to survive.  With businesses all competing for the same, diminishing pool of qualified technicians, drivers and aftersales staff in both sectors, well-recruited apprentices offer long term sustainability in the labour market.

Aside from this, growing and developing your own talent can improve how you work, raise your productivity and increase your profits.  Verified research by the Institute of the Motor Industry found that apprentices typically generate a return on investment of between 150 and 300% and can generate profit within 18-24 months, often earlier.  Figures produced by another study showed that the average apprenticeship improves business productivity by £214 per week, with the apprentice national minimum wage starting at just £5.28 (rate correct at April 2023).  Additionally, growing the workforce using apprentices reduces long term recruitment and training costs.

If none of the above are good enough reasons to recruit an apprentice, giving someone a good start in their career is a socially responsible and rewarding thing to do.  We all had to start somewhere!

TTS apprentices are vetted through a robust assessment programme to ascertain their suitability and are put through basic skills training, so employers are assured of recruits that are eager to learn, adaptable and well prepared for the workplace.  Apprentices and employers both benefit from TTS’s Career Development Officer, Robert Deignan, who is the link between both parties, supporting each with every part of the apprenticeship, from recruitment through to training and qualification.

As well as training apprentices to industry standards, TTS can also incorporate brand-specific modules for employers that require tailored training content and work closely with Peugeot/Citroen, Ford, Toyota/Lexus, Kia, Hyundai and in the truck sector DAF, Renault, Iveco and Scania.

Unlike some other apprenticeship providers, TTS apprentices work for their employer five days per week all year round, with the exception of attendance at TTS approximately one week every two months for training.  TTS prefers this ‘block release’ model to a weekly day release, because employers can more easily plan workload around the apprentice being away for training.

The cost of the apprenticeship training is fully funded by the Department for the Economy.

By employing a TTS apprentice you’ll get:

  • The skills your business needs – we will train your apprentice to industry standards and for the work your company is doing
  • Flexible people – we teach apprentices how to be good employees not just to be good at their job
  • Our support – our Careers Development Officer and Technical Training team will help you with every part of the apprenticeship, from recruitment through to training and qualification
  • An enhanced reputation – employing an apprentice demonstrates you are an employer that invests in your employees’ development
  • Free training for your apprentice – the Department for the Economy will pay for all the apprentice training costs at the TTS training centre.

Cash Bonus – upon completion of the full Level 3 framework the Department for the Economy will pay employers an Employer Incentive Bonus of £1,500 per apprentice.

We offer a range of apprenticeships related to the motor and transport industries.  In the motor industry we offer apprenticeships in technical roles, customer service and management.

Our full list of motor industry apprenticeships can be found here.

Transport Training Services has an impressive training centre including modern conference facilities; a variety of fully equipped training rooms and computer suites; a vehicle manoeuvring area; vehicle maintenance workshops and a vehicle body repair workshop which houses a paint booth and paint mixing facility.

Take the Virtual Tour:

There are two routes to finding apprentices for your business.  The first method is by promoting your apprentice vacancies via your own recruitment department.  In this case, we can support you through this process by providing apprentice advertisement templates and you can refer all apprentice applications directly to us for initial assessment (informal interview and aptitude testing).  We can also check if applicants meet the eligibility criteria for the programme.

Additionally, if you are struggling to get applicants via your own means, TTS can match your live vacancy with pre-assessed applicants, which you will then have the opportunity to further assess. From past experience we know that employers who invest time at interview stage and organise a workshop assessment for applicants will make better selection decisions.

In either case, applicants are assessed using a range of bespoke diagnostic tests prior to introducing them to your organisation so you can be assured that only the best candidates will be put forward.

TTS is actively engaged in building partnerships with schools and in promoting motor vehicle and transport industry careers at jobs fairs and other community outreach events, so we are in the fortunate position of having a significant number of apprentice applications from a wide range of people interested in kick-starting their career.

Once we receive applications, we put all candidates through a robust and structured assessment programme to ascertain their ability and readiness for employment.  Each candidate must pass a range of pre-entry aptitude tests in numeracy, literacy, mechanical and cognitive reasoning before being passed to you for consideration.

The only cost you incur as an apprentice employer is the salary you choose to pay, provided it meets the Government’s minimum apprentice pay rates.  The apprentice minimum wage, which is set by the government and which changes at least every April, depends on:

  • The age of the apprentice
  • The year of apprenticeship he/she is in

For those aged under 19 or those aged 19 or over who are in the first year of their apprenticeship, the minimum apprentice rate applies.  If the apprentice is 19 or older and has completed his/her first year of the apprenticeship, the National Minimum Wage applies for the age group.

You can find out more about legal apprenticeship wages here and national minimum wages here.

The cost of the training at TTS is fully funded by the Department for the Economy.

All TTS apprenticeships provide nationally recognised qualifications.  In technical or customer service roles the awarding body is the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) and for driving apprenticeships the qualification is through Pearson.  All successfully completed TTS apprenticeships result in a Level 3 Apprenticeship (with Level 2 achieved along the way).

Where candidates do not have Maths, English and ICT GCSE at grade C or above before commencing your apprenticeship, he/she will also be enrolled in “Essential Skills” classes at TTS.

Unlike some other apprenticeship providers, your apprentice will work for you and attend TTS classes all year round.  Typically, you will employ your apprentice(s) five days per week (Monday to Friday).  Attendance at TTS in Nutts Corner is approximately one week every two months for training and you will be issued with a timetable in advance of the apprenticeship commencing. At TTS, we find this ‘block release’ model to be beneficial compared with other schemes that operate on a weekly day release for college training, because employers can more easily plan workload around the apprentice(s) being away for training.  Feedback about block release from our Apprentices is also positive because they feel like they learn more in a dedicated week than they would on a day release scheme.

Each apprentice attends our training centre for a unique blend of workshop practical tasks, classroom theory and e-learning.  At TTS you will receive a minimum of 50% workshop practical training.

It takes three years for apprentices to complete both Level 2 and Level 3 apprenticeships.

TTS is consistently praised for its support of apprentice employers. We have a dedicated Careers Development Officer who will be hands-on throughout the apprenticeship, supporting you to get the best from your apprentice and to assist you in meeting your legal obligations.  Our long history of working with many apprentice employers means we have experience in dealing with any challenges you may face. Our Careers Development Officer is the link between you and your apprentice(s) and is there to make sure any issues, on either side, are resolved quickly.

The Careers Development Officer also provides ongoing pastoral care to ensure your apprentices are developing well and integrating successfully into your workplace.

Proof of the quality of support available is the large number of employers who themselves came through an apprenticeship with TTS and want a similar, quality experience for the staff they employ.

The most successful apprenticeship is one where an employer employs the apprentice from day one and has an interest and a stake in their career and progress.  At TTS we also realise that when employers decide to make a commitment to employ an apprentice, they need to know that the person they are employing is interested in the career, is motivated to learn and is capable of succeeding.  However, we do ask that you be patient with your new apprentices – we all had to start somewhere!

Please be assured that TTS undertakes training with apprentices to prepare them for the workplace.  This service ensures that the candidate being considered by you for employment has passed pre-entry aptitude tests in numeracy, literacy, mechanical and cognitive reasoning, and has been given advanced awareness of all of the necessary skills and attitudes that employers require, such as having the right attitude, being punctual, showing initiative, communicating clearly, and following instructions.  Newly employed apprentices will also be trained at TTS in how to identify and use some of the basic key skills of the trade, including health and safety awareness and a knowledge and understanding of the most common types of tools and equipment.

Our Careers Development Officer, Robert Deignan, is the link between you and your apprentice(s) and is there to make sure any issues, on either side, are resolved quickly.  Robert should be contacted in the first instance if you have concerns about your apprentice.

If your issues cannot be resolved and your apprentice does not perform to your satisfaction, he/she is subject to the same employment laws as any other staff member so you would be required to carry out disciplinary action as per your company’s disciplinary procedures.  You can also set a probationary period at the beginning of the apprentice’s employment to give you the opportunity to ensure that he/she will meet with your expectations.

Find Out More

If you are a company in Northern Ireland considering employing apprentices for the transport or motor sectors we would love to hear from you! Please complete the application form and we will contact you to discuss your requirements.

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